April 18 Gallery Night - 5:30 pm tour details announced!

We will leave at 5:30 pm from the Graduate Hotel at 11 Dorrance Street, and return to the Graduate around 7:30 pm.

This tour will be led by Gallery Night Guide Sam Nehila and will be via trolley or mini coach. We will visit the following locations and exhibits:

  • The Gallery at City Hall is joining forces with the SGCI (Southern Graphics Council International) Printmaking Conference, which is coming to Providence in April. They are curating a group print show, “Making an Impression: Building on Knowledge in Providence Printmaking.” The show will let us see the relationships, inspirations, and influences that contribute to a vibrant printmaking community over time, all in the backdrop of our own City Hall, reinforcing our commitment to artmaking as a civic-minded act that requires us to learn, experiment and pass it on.

  • Bannister Gallery at Rhode Island College. “Paper Trails: Selection from the RIC Print Trade” looks at the print exchange tradition at the Rhode Island College Printmaking Department which has taken place since 2005, where students and faculty of the Rhode Island College Printmaking Department create an edition of prints to trade with the other artists involved. Unthemed and with only a set paper size as a guide, exchange participants create innovative and unique prints that add to or start their classmates’ own art collections. Curated by RIC Alumnus Sam Nehila ’19, this exhibition digs into the past and traces common trends in subject matter as well as the range of technical experimentation of RIC printmakers throughout the years.

  • The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking features an exhibit created for Earth day by the artist, Liliana Fijman. Inspired by a sculpture of the same name, “Air - a breath on the line” was created by Fijman for the VI WTA International biennial in Mexico, which challenged artists to make the intangible tangible. Her work involved and collaborated with the children of the Community Libraries of Providence, where children and their families were encouraged to use air to make art.


Half of the seats on the trolley or mini coach will always be available (first-come, first-served), completely free, to anyone who shows up on Gallery Night! The other half of the seats are available to reserve in advance via Eventbrite. We ask that you donate $1 when you check out, for the convenience of guaranteeing your spot on the tour of your choice ahead of time.

Accessibility notes:

  • Many of the Gallery Night art spaces are wheelchair accessible. However, the trolleys we hire for Gallery Night cannot accommodate wheelchairs.

  • All tours involve some walking and some stops may include stairs.

  • We invite wheelchair users to enjoy self-guided tours on Gallery Night, and have created some suggestions (Make Your Own Tour tab page) where we note which galleries are wheelchair accessible.

Some notes to help you out the night of the event!

  • We recommend arriving to the Graduate 5 to 10 minutes before your tour time. One of our volunteers will be at a podium with a Gallery Night banner, near the main entrance, and will check you in and answer any questions!

  • If your plans change, please remember to cancel your Eventbrite reservation so that someone else can enjoy the tour.

  • Tours occasionally run late. We recommend allowing buffer time if you're planning on attending another event after ours.

And…enjoy a sneak peek of some of the artwork you can see at these spaces on gallery night!