Spotlight on...Elise Fortier!

April is National Volunteer Month, a time to recognize all those who give their time and energy to causes they care about. We at Gallery Night are grateful for the many volunteers and the hours they've spent, directly or indirectly, helping us bring people to art spaces in Providence. This month we are spotlighting volunteer Elise Fortier, who organized the silent auction and raffle for our fundraiser in February! 

Q: When and how did you first hear about Gallery Night?

A: I was first introduced to Gallery Night in October of 2019 by my dear friend Mike Ryan, who is one of the board members. I had just moved to Providence and would arrange my social calendar by what was advertised in his publication Motif Magazine. He and I went on one of the tours and I was hooked. 

Q: What made you want to go on a tour? What keeps you coming back?

A: I grew up surrounded by art. Both my parents and my godmother were talented artists. My parents made a point of bringing us to museums as children, and taking us to cultural events and encouraging an appreciation and interest in art. I studied graphic design, drawing and art history in college. It’s just always been a part of my life. I can easily walk into a museum and pass five hours as if it was nothing. I become mesmerized. The Gallery Night tours appealed to me because I could visit so many spaces in one evening that I would most likely never go to on my own. Some studios can feel intimidating, especially if you’re solo. With Gallery Night, I’m with a group and we are warmly welcomed. There’s an abundance of art in varying mediums in interesting spaces. There’s nothing I don’t love about it. It always feels fresh and new, regardless of how frequently I go. 

Q: What is your favorite part about Gallery Night? 

A: Along with all of the amazing artwork being shown at some truly spectacular venues, is the sense of camaraderie that is present amongst everyone attending. There’s an element of shared awe, appreciation and joy that permeates the group. The tour guides are knowledgeable and informative and in some cases you get to meet the artists and learn about their work firsthand. 

Q: What motivated you to volunteer to organize the silent auction and raffle for our fundraiser?

I love the city of Providence and our community. I have done a good bit of volunteering in the past and it had been my desire once I moved here to find an organization that was aligned with my values and interests.

I knew Gallery Night was something that resonated with me personally, as art has always been integral to my life and I believe it should be accessible to all. I fully and wholeheartedly support the mission of Gallery Night Providence and it was my honor to be able to help out in whatever way that I could. I thoroughly enjoyed my role and it was an absolute pleasure meeting all the talented artists who generously donated to our cause and to be able to familiarize more people with their work by including them in our auction and raffle.

Thank you to intern Justin Medeiros for interviewing Elise and writing up this feature!